Commercial Real Estate IT Budget Wish List

Welcome to the holiday season! And if you are running a real estate business, it’s also budget season. Now is the best time to start budgeting for gifts for your business and team members. Here are the top 4 commercial real estate IT budget wish list items to maximize your profits, revenue, and growth.

Top 17 Real Estate KPIs for Investor Reporting

Every interaction that you have with one of your investors is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. Perhaps they will see something in your report that’s so intriguing, they can’t help but share it with their colleagues. By far, the easiest way to fundraise is to have your existing investors raving about you to their investor friends. That way, prospective investors come to YOU.

Top 14 Commercial Real Estate KPIs for Property Manager to Client Reporting

It’s judgment day. Your boss has asked you to prepare a report for your clients showing how well you’ve managed your properties. Like the hero you are, you battled through every difficult situation that arose, leaving a pile of defeated monsters in the long and arduous path behind. With the pressure building to demonstrate the awesome job you’ve done and the deadline approaching fast, you now face the worst monster of all (aka the Final Boss): writer’s block. What are the required real estate KPIs you should report to clients? How do you balance transparency with demonstrating the “I got this” you want clients to see in you?